There are two main products available for professional designers :-

SurfPlan Professional is primarily for designing
inflatable kites and wings for the surfing industry. SurfPlan has
been in commercial use since 2002, and is
fully capable of designing bridled surfkites, C-kites, and surf wings. Surfplan also has basic ram-air
capabilities, and can be used to design trainer kites and other
simple ram-air wings.


GliderPlan Professional is the partner product to Surfplan.
Introduced in 2007, GliderPlan is for designing paragliders and
parachutes. It is also ideal for advanced ram-air wings, such
as surf foils and snow kites. It has powerful bridling cababilities, advanced skin tension, wing internal structure, and
many more features that are unique to ram-air wings.

Both products are based on the same proven core technology, and both products provide :-
- the same easy-to-use graphical interface and professional workflow management.
- high quality, flexible panel output, ready for manufacture.
- proven performance, in commercial use by major global manufacturers and designers.
- ongoing software development to keep up with changes and innovations in
product design and to continue making the design process easier,
faster and more economical.
If you are interested to know more about these products for
professional and commercial use, please contact